Sunday, 9 February 2014


I've blogged about Steve Anderson's Web connected classroom blog before but his latest post really resonated with me.

The post, entitled 3 Things We Need To Remember For Every Professional Development, talks about the importance of CPD but relevant, engaging and fun CPD!
As one of my main reasons for doing the BAPP course was to give me an opportunity to develop as a professional I feel it important to voice how the structure of the BAPP course incorporates those three topics (relevant, engaging, fun) to give each person a tailor-made experience with opportunity to find out and gain knowledge in whatever direction is most important to their practice and the self.

As the R.A.D. begin their first year of compulsory CPD hours it is vital that teachers speak up for what they need or want to develop. As Steve Anderson says, doing something just to get the credits means everyone ends up losing.
I remember when I spoke to the I.S.T.D. about my approach to gaining credits for entry on to the BAPP course I was advised to take the RoL route as gaining credits through the I.S.T.D. would mean taking courses I had already studied. Wise words indeed. Reviewing my learning not only gave me insight into my strengths but also highlighted my weaknesses, something I was then able to focus on during the course.

So why am I writing this blog?
I think what I'm trying to say is that even though completing the  CPD requirements every year may seem like a huge expense and time consuming, a little bit of reflection and forward planning about my own needs, wants and desires as a practitioner will give me an excellent place from which to ensure the CPD I undertake is relevant, engaging and fun!