Thursday, 22 November 2012

Pass me a tissue, please

I'm full of cold and unable to get my thoughts organised through the cotton wool that seems to be filling my head. It's also hard to type between the runny nose and the coughing! I'm not looking for sympathy but just wanted to write something that explains why I'm not blogging at the mo...even though I'm full of thoughts, ideas and inquiries.

I've been reading instead of writing though, and have found lots to contemplate. I've been particulary inspired by Emily Hunt and Clare Orlandi's blogs, which makes my inability to formulate coherent sentences all the more annoying as I'm itching to talk about the topics and ideas that they have both raised.

Hopefully the amount of thoughts will push out the cotton wool and I'll be back soon...


1 comment:

  1. Oh Sarah what a lovely thing to have also managed to raise many interesting and very thought provoking issues and theories, even though you've been ill! I hope you feel better soon and manage to construct your many thoughts into a post for us all to get stuck into!

    Best wishes,

