Monday, 8 October 2012

A time for reflection...

I thought I'd spend this morning reflecting back on the tasks I've done so far, the other blogs I've seen and the reading I've done on Web 2.0:

My blog seems to be working properly and the links that I've added all seem to be easily accessible. I'd like to link my 'Starting out on BAPP' clip into my video section on the page but, as yet, I have been struggling to achieve this. My main reason for wanting to do it is so that, in the future, pictures and videos can be accessed easily without people having to wade through each individual blog post to find them - one of the main points about Web 2.0, as I understand it, is being able to access information easily and without having to invest huge amounts of time searching for information.

I'm happier with the second version of my profile, it's a little more indepth than the first draft and gives more information about where I am currently in my professional career. I'm going to keep looking at it over the next few days and making changes and improvements.
I have really enjoyed looking at all the other blogs I've accessed so far as it has given me ideas on how to improve my own, things to thing about and reflect on, and made me feel more connected to other students and advisors, and ultimately the course itself.

I've also looked again at the Reader for this set of tasks and have been trying to see where and how I can use Web 2.0 tools to benefit both my professional practice and my students/ parents more.
I've found a lot of youtube clips that demonstrate syllabus work and seen some videos that other teachers have posted where they demonstrate facing away from the camera how to do certain exercises, is this perhaps something that I can use to give my students the opportunity to reinforce exam settings outside of class?
I've also found that using Google Alerts ( has been really helpful in sourcing other articles and information on the topics relevant to my study so far. In particular I have enjoyed this video clip - Flash Professional: Communicating Web 2.0 Through Design - Part 1 | - on making Web 2.0 user-friendly:

I've found that it got me thinking about how best, and succinctly, to present things, something that I think is useful not only in web-based applications but also in other aspects of my professional practice, emails to parents, exam information, class timetables, etc.

With so much information at my fingertips I feel a little overwhelmed but I do think that by keeping informed, widening my outlook, and reflecting on the relevance and benefits of such information/ tools to my professional practice I can begin to make better choices/ have more options in how I can better connect with my students/ parents/ employers both now and in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Sarah, it is overwhelming. Not often in our practice do we stop and notice the way things are working now. Web 2.0 has changed the way we communicate and changing the way we practice too. The link between Web 2.0 and benefitting/informing your practice is an important one...
