Monday, 1 October 2012

Personal statement

Today I thought I'd look back to see if there were any previous documents that might help me to create my profile and I found the personal statement that I submitted to Midd'x Uni. in January, when I first applied to get on the BAPP course.
I've read it through and, although I feel it's way too long and some bits lack relevance in this particular task, I think that some aspects of it could possibly be of use. I'm not sure the style of writing is quite right for a blog profile, as it seems a little too formal, and, from reading other people's blogs, I've found the more personal one's more engaging.

I've uploaded it here and would appreciate any thoughts/ comments:

(I can already see one thing that I have learnt from doing this course...that I should spell it practice!!)


  1. Hi Sarah - good to see you making a good start - the good thing about blogger is that you can keep working and changing the design and look of your blog and you can / add and remove features. I did follow the link through to your personal statement but the google page it took me to denied me access ...

  2. Hi Rosemay - I've changed the settings for access as I had inadvertantly made it for my eyes only! If you have time could you possibly try the link again to see if it is possible to view it. Many thanks
