I decided that as well as reading through the blog I'd also take part as I go along so that I could discover some of the ideas/ have some of the thoughts for myself before reading further.
So far, I've only got to the first paragraph as I found myself immersed in, and reflecting on, the first article by Lankshear (Sampling "the new" in new literacies, 2007), which is on the resource list on the libguides page:
Having read through just the first few pages I found that I have already had several thoughts about how it might relate to aspects of my practice:
- I spend a lot of my time communicating with parents and employers via email and text message, which requires me to keep language succinct, straightforward and clear. But to whom? Am I just thinking about what I can understand from my communications, with my social background and knowledge-in-practice, or am I presenting the information in a way that is accessible to all the people I am trying to reach.
- When reading articles, blogs, books, etc. am I blinkered/ limited in my understanding by my background and/ or personal world view? How able am I to take an objective viewpoint if something doesn't fit neatly into my knowledge-base, or calls what I "know" into question?
- Do I gravitate towards discourse that I feel supports my point of view and shy away from or dismiss things that don't?
- In dealing with communications from parents and students am I sometimes "mis-reading" the intention or only seeing it from my side of the fence?
I like to think that I am open to, and understanding of, other people's differing backgrounds and take care, when writing letters or emails, that I consider the language that I use and the variety of people I am trying to communicate with. I know that for a lot of my parents, english is not their mother-tongue - do I communicate effectively or is a lot of what I write unintelligible? Is there a better way for me to communicate information? Perhaps I can find a way to present it in several different forms...
I'll definitely think more about literacies when writing in the future and will hopefully be able to answer a few more questions as I go along.
I'm really looking forward to carrying on with my post-campus-session session!
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